
BCA Consultant




If you are upgrading an existing building or looking for development consent, we can assist. As BCA reports are one of our team’s most requested service, we are well-versed and knowledgeable on all the latest policies and procedures.

Every one of our inspections is fully documented so you, as the developer or owner, can assess the situation and make any necessary changes. Our reports will focus on areas such as fire safety, energy efficiency, and legislative requirements.

Once you have your BCA report, your development or renovation can proceed without issue. It offers much peace of mind and will allow you to stick closely to your budget and timeline of events.



National BCA’s experts offer professional audits, assessments and condition reporting on all types of existing buildings whether residential, retail, office or industrial. We will provide you with recommendations and specific strategies to focus on, including a list of alternative solutions. We can also assist with the preparation of plans for the Development Application (DA). We understand the process can be stressful and will help you review documentation and provide advice on the best way to proceed, taking into account feedback received from council due to non-compliance.


Proposed Builds

Our team will offer advice during the design phase to ensure that council is happy with all your applications. We will provide a full and detailed evaluation of your proposed build based on the standards of the BCA to help fast-track the process. We will also offer our recommendations, solutions and alternatives to any non-compliance issues to meet regulatory requirements regardless of the approval authority.



We can provide inspection and evaluation to monitor the build progress to establish that all is going according to plan. These evaluations and reports will safeguard against delay on any future approvals once the build is completed.



Whether it’s an existing building, one under construction, or even a completely new design, the National BCA consultants aim to provide our clients with the confidence that their buildings will be safe and accessible.

National BCA provides technical interpretation of the Building Code of Australia to meet the performance requirements for your project. Linked to our services engineering disciplines, we ensure close collaboration to ensure practical and economic solutions are achieved for our clients.

In addition to Building Code interpretation and regulatory compliance, we provide private certification for all classes of buildings, from early schematic design assessment and design compliance through to the construction compliance stage.

The National BCA consultants reduce your BCA compliance risks and costs by providing accurate BCA advice at every stage of a building’s lifecycle, including:

  • preliminary planning and concept design

  • final design, construction, commissioning and certification

  • occupancy (including fire services testing and maintenance)

  • refurbishments and changes of use

The extensive experience of our BCA consultants means we can assess and advise on any BCA building, ranging from the smallest residential buildings to large and complex public infrastructures.

The entire range of our BCA consulting services extends to:

  • BCA Compliance Assessments

    1. Certificates of Design Compliance

    2. Certificates of Construction Compliance

    3. Certificate of Building Compliance

    4. Universal Access Audits

    5. Alternative Building Solutions (Material Science)

    6. Energy Efficiency and Sustainability

    7. Building Inspections and Reports

    8. Fire Safety and Risk Audits

    9. Authority Negotiations

    10. Forensic Inspection and Reporting

    11. Safety in Design reporting by Risk Management

The NSW Building and Development Certifiers Act was introduced on the 1 July 2020, and using this, the BCA consultants at National BCA can happily assist with all kinds of building regulations and BCA consultancy throughout the design phases of your Sydney projects.  Under the Act, there’s a more evident difference between design consultancy and certification functions and what constitutes a conflict of interest. Accredited Certifiers/ PCA’s, now to be known as Registered Certifiers whom undertake certification work, will no longer be able to participate in a project’s design phases and Development Application assessments.

What National BCA Can do:

Concept Design Phase

  • Pre-Development Application assessments of proposed projects to ensure design optimisation and efficiencies

  • Audits of existing structures to identify and suggest appropriate upgrading regimes

  • Liaise with Councils

  • Recommendations on performance-based compliance design options

Detailed Design Phase

  • Assessment of the architectural and services design detailed drawings of proposed developments against the BCA, which can include a review and ‘mark-up’ of:

  • Specifications;

  • Floor plans, elevations and sections;

  • Wall type schedules for FRL’s and non-combustible construction; and

  • Design certification to the BCA and Australian Standards

Building Approvals and Construction Certification

  • Assessment of documentation for any kind of project

  • Certification of State and Federal Crown projects

  • Preparation of Performance Solution reports

  • Liaise with Councils, Certifiers, PCA’s and Fire and Rescue NSW

Construction Phase

  • Inspections of buildings under construction on behalf of the builder or the developer to identify potential hazards and risks whilst the building is under construction to reduce the risks of a defects claim.

  • Consultancy services whilst the building is under construction answering RFI’s and general building regulations, access and fire safety engineering consultancy services

Existing Buildings and Due Diligence

  • Audits of buildings against current existing or code requirements

  • Create fire upgrading strategies for existing buildings

  • Negotiate with Council regarding the works and time frames of Fire Orders

  • Audits and reports on existing buildings using both regulatory and risk base approaches

Annual Fire Safety Measures Certification

  • Preparation of Annual Fire Safety Statements and Fire Safety Schedules on behalf of building owners, including inspections and review of maintenance work

  • Technical reviews of proposed maintenance works to ensure only required work is being performed


If you are upgrading an existing building or looking for development consent, we can assist. As BCA reports are one of our team’s most requested service, we are well-versed and knowledgeable on all the latest policies and procedures. Every one of our inspections is fully documented so you, as the developer or owner, can assess the situation and make any necessary changes. Our reports will focus on areas such as fire safety, energy efficiency, access and legislative requirements.

Once you have your BCA report, your development or renovation can proceed without issue. It offers much peace of mind and will allow you to stick closely to your budget and timeline of events.







With a Master Degree in Applied Science (Fire Safety and Design) and Building Surveying, Rodger Dowsett has been working in the industry since the 1970s. He has spent over 40 years with the Botany Counciland understands as much as there is to know on the subject of compliance and certification (and possibly more). His position as Director – Planning and Development provides him with plenty of opportunities to inspect buildings under construction, issue approvals and refusals, and undertake strategic planning. Rodger is a key component of National BCA and a font of knowledge for the entire team.


Nick Selby


Our site engineer Nick Selby has been managing drawing offices and has been directly responsible for the control of site teams since 2012.


Recent News Posts


“I have been recently introduced to this company and have observed them to be very versed with skill and knowledge in relation to NCC/BCA matters. Through my experience their service has been prompt and professional at all times. In addition, I have observed their reports to be thorough with expertise advice and solutions to BCA matters. I would highly recommend National BCA to potential clients.”

NIKOLA DIMITROVSKI - Direct Building Approvals









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